Sozo Family Services

At, we cherish the non-profits that use our platform. The work they do is always so inspiring. We are excited to spotlight one of the non-profits, Sozo Family Services.

Sozo Family services was formed as a nonprofit in August 2014. They are located in Aurora NE. They provide mental health services, including substance abuse evaluations, in an outpatient setting. They are an approved provider as designated by the state of NE to provide outpatient mental health services, including substance abuse counseling to clients involved in the judicial system. They provide in home/community based services as well as in office settings.

How long have you been practicing telemedicine?

We have been testing out various telehealth platforms, including for about a year and have been using regularly for about 6 months now.

What motivated you to start practicing telemedicine

Our location is the only brick and mortar therapy office within 20 miles. We offer in home therapy options and were finding that to increase cost effectiveness and compliance that teleheath appears to be a necessary option for our clients. Especially right now with young people and technology, long commutes and schedules.

How has telemedicine changed your practice

Telehealth has increased client adherence to their mental wellness. This also means increased outcomes and hopefully leads to decreased recidivism rates for the justice populations served. We have also noticed that when clients move, they are more likely to stay with their current provider with telehealth as an option. Clients are then more invested in their treatment and do not feel the need to start over with another provider, thus slowing them from attaining treatment goals.

What advice would you give to other non-profit providers interested in starting telemedicine?

Just do it 🙂 And also make sure that the client visual area on the camera view is aesthetically pleasing, including yourself.

If you are a non-profit and would like to discuss our non-profit pricing, please email
