Inside Telemedicine

Thoughts, inspiration, and ideas from the pioneers of telemedicine

New Feature: Patient Queue

We are excited to announce our latest feature, Patient Queue. Patient Queue will provide more information on your patients and allow you to use a few features in the waiting…

History of Telemedicine

In the 1900’s, as radios became popular, the scientific community began to theorize other applications for this technology. Among them, radio veteran and inventor Hugo Gernsback thought doctors would greatly…

Telehealth Occupational Therapy

Sarah Lyon, Occupational Therapist, recently wrote an article for OTPotential. It was too great not to share. It’s a shame that most of us don’t know much about what’s involved—because…

New Features and Updates

We have several new features and updates to share with you: Safari: In addition to Chrome and Firefox, Safari (11) is now supported. Now you can use Safari on iOS…

TimeTap: Appointment Scheduler

If outdated scheduling processes are still in place at your business because “that’s how it’s always been”, your business is going to get left in the dust. Ditch a slow,…
